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We're excited to announce the launch of Prison Season 2 this Saturday, February 22nd, at 3 PM EST!

This season brings a complete overhaul and revamp, designed to elevate the player experience. We've listened to your feedback and made key improvements to ensure a more enjoyable and engaging journey. Get ready for an exciting new chapter—see you in-game!


Gang Top (Weekly)

1st Place: 5,000 Rubies
2nd Place: 2,500 Rubies
3rd Place: 1,250 Rubies
4th Place: 750 Rubies
5th Place: 500 Rubies

» Gang rankings are determined by the total amount of deposited peridots. «

[NEW] Suits Revamp

We've removed the Token, Gem, and Peridot suits and introduced rebirth scaling suits, which unlock at specific rebirth milestones. There are 14 suits in total, with the first unlocking at Rebirth 5, and each subsequent suit requiring a higher rebirth. These suits provide Token and Gem multipliers to enhance your gameplay.

Additionally, we've added 5 Suit Skins, which can be applied to your suit. Each skin offers unique buffs, including Tokens, Gems, Tools, Rank XP, and Enchants, adding a personalized touch to your experience.

[NEW] Lootbox Revamp

We've removed the cluttered animations that some players found distracting and replaced them with smoother, more streamlined animations for opening loot boxes. These new animations make it easier to see and enjoy the rewards you receive when rolling a loot box.

[NEW] Pass Revamp

We have fixed all bugs regarding the pass from season 1. We have listened to you guys suggestion, and we have added pass quests to speed up your progress. These pass quests can give quests such as mine a certain amount of blocks or activate an enchant x amount of times and much more. We have also added a pass multiplier, This will increase the amount of Pass Experience you gain per block mined and can be purchased for rubies.

[NEW] Crate Revamp

We’ve introduced three new cosmetic keys: Steel, Electrum, and Platinum. In Season 1, we noticed that opening a cosmetic crate often resulted in low-quality cosmetics 95% of the time. With this revamp, we’re addressing that issue. Each tier now offers higher-quality cosmetics, with Steel containing the least desirable items and Platinum offering the best. This will make it easier for you to obtain the cosmetics you want, as each tier has fewer items in its crate. Additionally, we’ve added cosmetic previews in the cosmetic crate keys, so you can see exactly what you could win.

[NEW] Pet Revamp

With this innovative Prison Season we have went and revamped the entire Pet System. We have added a total of five new rarities to make it more grindy and have something to do across the entire season. These rarities now scale up to Pet Level 750 instead of the previous Level 500. With this revamp we have added another two features to Pets to make it more feature rich. These features consists of Pet Attributes and Pet Traits. Pet Attributes is used to roll a vast array of different attributes that are preset on the server; these attributes can boost a vareity of different things on the pet. Pet Traits has two different trait rarites, they consist of: Normal Trait Roll and Special Trait Roll. Normal Trait Roll is used to roll three different categories while the Special Trait Roll rerolls one specific category. These categories boost: Pet Experience gains, Pet Levels, and Pet Buff (Multiplier).

ShowcasePet's Revamp

[NEW] Bomb Revamp

In the upcoming season, we're removing the old bomb system and replacing it with a brand-new, innovative bomb system designed to enhance your progression in Prison. We've introduced eight new bombs, each featuring unique textures and animations. These bombs provide a variety of rewards, including Tokens, Gems, Rank EXP, Pickaxe EXP, and more, making them a valuable tool on your journey.

ShowcaseBomb Revamp

[NEW] Custom Enchantments

We've introduced three new custom enchantments to enhance your progression in Prison: Combo, Gem Merchant, and Value Finder. Combo increases the amount of Tokens earned by Token Finder, while Gem Merchant boosts the Gems gained from Gem Finder. Lastly, Value Finder provides virtual value to your Gang, helping you climb the Gang Leaderboard. These enchantments add more depth to your gameplay, giving you even more ways to maximize rewards and advance through the season.

[NEW] Vote Revamp

With the upcoming changes, we've taken a closer look at our voting rewards and decided to give them a significant boost by revamping the system. We've heavily buffed the Vote Milestones, offering even better premium rewards for you to earn. Vote Milestones are now conveniently displayed in a brand-new menu, where you can easily track your claimed and locked rewards. Additionally, players with a higher rank will now receive more vote rewards for every vote cast on the server, making voting even more rewarding than before.

  - [ADDED] Pet Attributes and Traits to various sources.
  - [ADDED] Additional Mine Size upgrades to Private Mines.
  - [REMOVED] NameMC and Nitro Crate Keys, replaced with Nebula Crate Key(s).
  - [REMOVED] Robot Leveling system.
  - [ADJUSTED] Pet Upgrade prices.
  - [ADJUSTED] Mine Upgrades prices.
  - [ADJUSTED] Robot currency generation rates.
  - [ADJUSTED] Pickaxe level formula.
  - [ADJUSTED] Token and Gem Enchantment prices.
  - [ADJUSTED] Rank Experience on custom enchantments to align with the new economy.
  - [ADJUSTED] Block Pass and Milestone Rewards significantly.
  - [ADJUSTED] Peridot percentage in Private Mines.
  - [ADJUSTED] Afk Zone formulas.
  - [NERFED] The rate of Pet Boxes.
  - [NERFED] The rates of the Book of Experience and Book of Rarity from various sources.

  - [ADDED] Rank EXP pets and boosters.
  - [ADDED] A Trade System where you can trade items and currencies with ease.
  - [ADDED] Automated Events.
  - [ADDED] Physical gangs where you can store items.
  - [ADDED] A block shop for building in your Gang.
  - [ADDED] Gang Warp and Pet Variable in chat; use it by typing [warp] or [pets].
  - [ADDED] Mine Portal at spawn.
  - [REMOVED] The ability to nick with colors and formatting.
  - [REMOVED] The Cosmetics category in the ruby shop.
  - [REMOVED] Cosmetics from the Special Deal section of the ruby shop.
  - [FIXED] AFK Zone breaking at certain rebirths.
  - [FIXED] Clone and Second Hand messages not working.
  - [FIXED] Mine Upgrade menu not showing the Maxed Upgrade item.
  - [FIXED] Leaderboards displaying the wrong amount of rubies.
  - [FIXED] Some block patterns in private mines being broken.
  - [CHANGED] Tags now use regular ASCII instead of minicaps.
  - [CHANGED] The wiki has been completely overhauled with more innovative descriptions to make it easier to understand.
  - [CHANGED] Brand new spawn and private mine builds.
  - [CHANGED] We now only support Minecraft versions 1.20.2-1.21.4 due to new changes to the server.
  - [OPTIMIZED] Our texture pack for better download speeds.